Dedmon to Freeman (Amaro Project Update & More)

The last couple weeks have been fruitful as well as busy. Potty training the 3yr old is going well, so much so that he has been virtually accident free (yay!). The 10yr old has started his youth league football season, his very first season and they've already decided to make him the starting quarterback. So between work and kids sports I've been trying to get my duplicates and other cards I don't need or want sorted and cataloged on TCDB for trading. I am brand new to trading but had the privilege of completing my first trades the past couple weeks. I big shout out to the following TCDB traders for being patient with me and guiding me with proper etiquette: Hebron Reds Fan Awesomo1389 PaulGebauer Kleskomaniac GWSeier_Tigers If your looking for trade partners on TCDB I would recommend all of them, Thanks guys! Now on the the Ruben Amaro project updates, I've updated the wantlist here as I've recently been able to pick up a few of the...